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Vladan Pavlović

P3 Vladan Pavlović, BA in English language and literature 2001, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš; MA (magistar) in English linguistics, 2007, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade; PhD in English linguistics, 2012, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade; Associate Professor in English linguistics, Department of English, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš. Secretary of the Serbian Association for the Study of English (2008-2019). Number of citations: 18, H Index: 3, i-10 Index: 1 (16 July 2020). 

Selected Papers

  • Pavlović, V. (2020): Too early to say: The English too ADJ to V construction and models of cross-cultural communications styles – A collostructional approach. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:3, p. 298-322. (5YIF: 1.809) 
  • Pavlović, V. (2019): Massive corpora and models of cross-cultural communication styles in Cognitive Linguistics: The case of the N1 V (for) N2 to-infinitive construction in English. Review of Cognitive Linguistics (Special issue: Corpus Approaches to Language, Thought and Communication), 17:1, p. 29-52. (5YIF: 0.647) 
  • Pavlović, V. (2019): O primeni velikih elektronskih tekstualnih korpusa u sociolingvističkim istraživanjima. Philologia Mediana XI/11, 421-437. 
  • Pavlović, V. (2020): On Elements of culturally influenced language use in the “Adj Enough to V” construction in British and American English. BELLS90 proceedings: International Conference to Mark the 90th Anniversary of the English Department, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade [ed. Biljana Čubrović]. Vol. 1, p. 165-185. ISBN 978-86-6153-616-8.
  • Stamenković, D. / Tasić M. / Pavlović V. (2017). “Prototype Theory and Translation Equivalent Selection: The Case of Motion Verbs”. Studia Neophilologica 89 (1): 81–94. DOI 10.1080/00393274.2015.1132179, ISSN 0039-3274 (Print), ISSN 1651-2308 (Online). 


  1. Tradition, Modernization and Identity Issues in Serbia and in the Balkans in the Processes of European Integrations – 179074), supported by the Ministry of and Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
  2. Fostering University Support Services and Procedures for Full Participation in the European Higher Education Area – FUSE, (a WP leader and a member of top management)
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