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P2 Mihailo Antović (BA English, 1999, MA Philology, 2003, Ph.D. Philology, 2007, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš), full professor, head, Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Niš. Research areas: cognitive science, cognitive and generative linguistics, cognitive semiotics, music cognition, cognitive science of religion, cognitive poetics. Number of citations (without self-citations): 33, H Index: 5 (WoS, 15 Jul 2020). 

Selected Papers

  • Antović, M., Mitić, J., & Benecasa, N. (2020). Conceptual rather than perceptual: Cross-modal binding of musical scales is based on an underlying schematic structure. Psychology of Music, 48(1), 84-104. 
  • Antović, M. (2018). Schemas, grounds, meaning: On the emergence of musical concepts through conceptual blending. Musicae Scientiae, 22(1): 57-71 
  • Antović, M. (2016). From expectation to concepts: Toward multilevel grounding in musical semantics. Cognitive Semiotics, 9(2): 105-138. 
  • Antović, M., Stamenković, D., & Figar, V. (2016). Association of meaning in program music: On denotation, inherence, and onomatopoeia. Music Perception, 34(2): 243-248. 
  • Antović, M. (2009). Musical metaphors in Serbian and Romani children: An empirical study. Metaphor & Symbol, 24(3): 184-202. 


  1. Multilevel grounding: From biology to culture in the construction of musical meaning, Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers, Department of Musicology and Media Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, Sep 2020-Feb 2022. 
  2. The Sustainability of the Identity of Serbs and National Minorities in the Border Municipalities of Eastern and Southeastern Serbia (179013), Serbian Ministry of Science project, 2010-2019, A1 level researcher. 
  3. FET-funded project COINVENT (Concept Invention Theory). Note: P2 was not officially a project team member, but he collaborated on several project-funded and related activities, notably two invited talks at Uni Thessaloniki, one invited presentation at Uni Bielefeld, and three research papers, Feb 2015-Oct 2016. 
  4. Towards a cognitive oral poetrics: Traditional epic and cognitive linguistics. (with Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas). FRIAS, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, Germany, junior visiting researcher, Oct 2012- Jan 2013. 
  5. The Role of Vision and Space in the Conceptualization of Music. Fulbright visiting researcher, Department of Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University (Aug 2010-May 2011). 
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